Monday, August 18, 2008

Task 16

Collaborate to a wiki by adding an entry

A wiki is a type of web site which is edited collaboratively. That is, anyone with access can edit any page of a wiki, and add new pages.

It's great for sharing information between staff of an organisation, or for developing documentation. Wikis keep a record of all edits made to a page, so it's possible to see who added what, and even to reverse edits.

The most notable wiki is WikiPedia, an online encyclopedia. However, wikis can be used for a number of purposes. The University of Queensland Library has introduced LibNet as the new Staff wiki which is a means of communicating adn sharing information across all branches.

Discovery Exercise:

Access LibNet and login to enable editing.

Add your wiki entry to the Learning 2.0 That's how we'll know that you've been there.

Please add an edit to this page under Task 16 Heading.
For staff who have completed the LibNet wiki training this process should be fairly straight forward!

It’s easy to do if you follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Click the 'Login' link
3. Enter you UQ username and Password
4. Click 'Login' button
5. Enter 'Task 16' in the search field
6. Click search
7. Click the search result for 23 Things...Task 16
8. Edit to add your wiki entry...

a. Click on Edit > Edit this Page
b. Enter any text you choose, i.e. a joke, a quotation
c. Click on Save

Create a post in your blog about the experience.

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